Adding Files or Plugins to Slurm

Adding a File to Slurm

This is the procedure to follow in order to add a new C file to the Slurm code base. We recommend using a git branch for this purpose.

  1. Add your new file to the git repository.
  2. Modify the "" file in the file's parent directory.
  3. Execute "autoreconf" in Slurm's top level directory. If you have older versions of the autoconf, automake, libtool or aclocal then you may need to manually modify the file in the file's parent directory. If you have different versions of the files than were originally used by the Slurm team, this may rebuild all of the files in Slurm.

Adding a Plugin to Slurm

This is the procedure to follow in order to add a new plugin to the Slurm code base. We recommend using a git branch for this purpose. In this example, we show which files would need to be modified in order to add a plugin named "topology/4d_torus".

  1. Create a new directory for this plugin (e.g. "src/plugins/topology/4d_torus").
  2. Add this new directory to its parent directory's "" file (e.g. "src/plugins/topology/").
  3. Put your new file(s) in the appropriate directory (e.g. "src/plugins/topology/4d_torus/topology_4d_torus.c").
  4. Create a "" file in the new directory identifying the new file(s) (e.g. "src/plugins/topology/4d_torus/"). Use an existing "" file as a model.
  5. Identify the new Makefile to be built at Slurm configure time in the file "". Please maintain the alphabetic ordering of entries.
  6. Execute "autoreconf" in Slurm's top level directory. If you have older versions of the autoconf, automake, libtool or aclocal then you may need to manually create or modify the files. If you have different versions of the files than were originally used by the Slurm team, this may rebuild all of the files in Slurm.
  7. Modify the "slurm.spec" file to include the new plugin file in an appropriate RPM.
  8. Add the new files, including "" and "", to the git repository.

Last modified 27 February 2019