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Access to the High Performance Computer 'Elwetritsch' for members of RPTU and RARP

The pages linked below provide information for accessing the system and transfer data between your computer and the cluster. Please be reminded the information is different for members of RPTU and members of RARP.

Access to the High Performance Computer 'Elwetritsch' for members of RPTU only

Members of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau require a so called account for employees. Access for students may be granted through their supervisor at the menu point HPC Zugangsverwaltung in our serviceportal which requires login or VPN on the campus. This enables login to one of our head nodes elwe<x> (<x>=1,..,4).

For further information on how to get access to the cluster as a member of RPTU, please read here

Access to the High Performance Computer 'Elwetritsch' for members of RARP only

Members of the AHRP can register via the RARP service registration portal (if your organization is not listed, please contact us by mail). You have to apply for an account on Elwetritsch with which you can login to our login nodes for RARP and

For further information on how to get access to the cluster as a member of RARP, please read here. If you are asked to use VPN, use VPN of your Home university (please also see SSH VPN IPv6 hint here).