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Resources of the High Performance Computer 'Elwetritsch'


Jobs are organized in queues or partitions according to their resource requirements. Best practice is not to use queues or partitions for job submission but resource requirements and leave the selection of a queue to the batch system. A very important resource is the job run time. It should be specified approximately, see guide. Other important resources are the requested memory of a job or the hardware of a CPU, all described in the guide.

Name Tier Priority State Nodes Job Slots Max Walltime Running Suspended Pending
short 3 10 UP 847 18054 0-01:30 h 0 0 0
normal 3 10 UP 847 18054 2 d 0 0 0
long 3 10 UP 847 18054 10 d 0 0 0
extralong 3 10 UP 847 18054 30 d 0 0 0
idle 1 10 UP 847 18054 10 d 32 0 248
gpuidle 2 20 UP 87 3160 10 d 20 0 120
cpuidle 2 20 UP 326 6256 10 d 460 0 2
epyc-128 3 30 UP 2 64 30 d 48 0 24
epyc-256 3 30 UP 216 3456 30 d 912 0 0
skylake-96 3 30 UP 299 7176 30 d 5402 0 8472
skylake-384 3 30 UP 26 624 30 d 584 0 8
haswell-64 3 30 UP 96 1536 30 d 1536 0 400
haswell-256 3 30 UP 32 512 30 d 263 0 32
haswell-64s 3 30 UP 24 192 30 d 94 0 196
informatik-mind 3 70 UP 3 120 UNLIMITED 29 0 0
bio-csb 3 70 UP 1 32 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
mv-fbk 3 70 UP 1 16 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
mv-mvt 3 70 UP 1 16 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
mv-ltd 3 70 UP 1 32 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
mv-ltm 3 70 UP 9 62 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
physik-eggert 3 70 UP 3 192 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
physik-fleischhauer 3 70 UP 2 72 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
physik-schneider 3 70 UP 10 176 UNLIMITED 112 0 14
physik-urbassek 3 70 UP 4 192 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
ivw 3 70 UP 4 128 UNLIMITED 32 0 0
uds-hub 3 70 UP 48 2352 2 d 0 0 0
gpu 3 70 UP 32 528 10 d 80 0 96
dgx 3 70 UP 1 96 10 d 64 0 0
bigmem 3 70 UP 5 128 30 d 96 0 168
reservation 3 80 UP 847 18054 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
interactive 3 80 UP 25 344 7 d 12 0 0
dcv 3 80 UP 6 192 7 d 8 0 0
test 3 80 UP 847 18054 UNLIMITED 0 0 0
9784 0 9780