Resource Selection Plugin Programmer Guide


This document describe. Slurm resource selection plugins and the API that defines them. It is intended as a resource to programmers wishing to write their own Slurm node selection plugins.

Slurm node selection plugins are Slurm plugins that implement the Slurm node selection API described herein. They are intended to provide a mechanism for both selecting nodes for pending jobs and performing any system-specific tasks for job launch or termination. The plugins must conform to the Slurm Plugin API with the following specifications:

const char plugin_type[]
The major type must be "select." The minor type can be any recognizable abbreviation for the type of node selection algorithm. We recommend, for example:

  • cons_res — A plugin that can allocate individual processors, memory, etc. within nodes. This plugin is recommended for systems with many non-parallel programs sharing nodes. For more information see Consumable Resources in Slurm.
  • cray_aries — Cray XE and XT system node selector. Note that this plugin not only selects the nodes for a job, but performs some initialization and termination functions for the job. This plugin also serves as a wrapper for the select/linear plugin which enforces various limits and provides support for resource selection optimized for the system topology.
  • linear — A plugin that selects nodes assuming a one-dimensional array of nodes. The nodes are selected so as to minimize the number of consecutive sets of nodes utilizing a best-fit algorithm. While supporting shared nodes, this plugin does not allocate individual processors, but can allocate memory to jobs. This plugin is recommended for systems without shared nodes.

const char plugin_name[]
Some descriptive name for the plugin. There is no requirement with respect to its format.

const uint32_t plugin_version
If specified, identifies the version of Slurm used to build this plugin and any attempt to load the plugin from a different version of Slurm will result in an error. If not specified, then the plugin may be loaded by Slurm commands and daemons from any version, however this may result in difficult to diagnose failures due to changes in the arguments to plugin functions or changes in other Slurm functions used by the plugin.

A simplified flow of logic follows:

/* slurmctld daemon starts, recover state */
if ((select_p_node_init)()     != SLURM_SUCCESS) ||
    (select_p_state_restore)() != SLURM_SUCCESS) ||
    (select_p_job_init)()      != SLURM_SUCCESS))

/* wait for job arrival */
if (select_p_job_test(all available nodes) != SLURM_SUCCESS) {
   if (select_p_job_test(all configured nodes) != SLURM_SUCCESS)
      /* reject the job and tell the user it can never run */
      /* leave the job queued for later execution */
} else {
   /* update job's node list and node bitmap */
   if (select_p_job_begin() != SLURM_SUCCESS)
      /* leave the job queued for later execution */
   else {
      while (!select_p_job_ready())
      /* execute the job */
      /* wait for job to end or be terminated */

/* wait for slurmctld shutdown request */

Depending upon failure modes, it is possible that select_p_state_save() will not be called at slurmctld termination. When slurmctld is restarted, other function calls may be replayed. select_p_node_init() may be used to synchronize the plugin's state with that of slurmctld.

Data Objects

These functions are expected to read and/or modify data structures directly in the slurmctld daemon's memory. Slurmctld is a multi-threaded program with independent read and write locks on each data structure type. Therefore the type of operations permitted on various data structures is identified for each function.

These functions make use of bitmaps corresponding to the nodes in a table. The function select_p_node_init() should be used to establish the initial mapping of bitmap entries to nodes. Functions defined in src/common/bitmap.h should be used for bitmap manipulations (these functions are directly accessible from the plugin).

API Functions

The following functions must appear. Functions which are not implemented should be stubbed.

int init (void)

Called when the plugin is loaded, before any other functions are called. Put global initialization here.

SLURM_SUCCESS on success, or
SLURM_ERROR on failure.

void fini (void)

Called when the plugin is removed. Clear any allocated storage here.

Returns: None.

Note: These init and fini functions are not the same as those described in the dlopen (3) system library. The C run-time system co-opts those symbols for its own initialization. The system _init() is called before the Slurm init(), and the Slurm fini() is called before the system's _fini().

State Save Functions

int select_p_state_save (char *dir_name);

Description: Save any global node selection state information to a file within the specified directory. The actual file name used is plugin specific. It is recommended that the global switch state contain a magic number for validation purposes. This function is called by the slurmctld daemon on shutdown.

Arguments: dir_name    (input) fully-qualified pathname of a directory into which user SlurmUser (as defined in slurm.conf) can create a file and write state information into that file. Cannot be NULL.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_state_restore (char *dir_name);

Description: Restore any global node selection state information from a file within the specified directory. The actual file name used is plugin specific. It is recommended that any magic number associated with the global switch state be verified. This function is called by the slurmctld daemon on startup.

Arguments: dir_name    (input) fully-qualified pathname of a directory containing a state information file from which user SlurmUser (as defined in slurm.conf) can read. Cannot be NULL.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR, causing slurmctld to exit.

State Initialization Functions

int select_p_node_init(node_record_t *node_ptr, int node_cnt);

Description: Note the initialization of the node record data structure. This function is called by the slurmctld daemon when the node records are initially established and again when any nodes are added to or removed from the data structure.

node_ptr   (input) pointer to the node data records. Data in these records can read. Nodes deleted after initialization may have their the name field in the record cleared (zero length) rather than rebuilding the node records and bitmaps.

node_cnt    (input) number of node data records.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR, causing slurmctld to exit.

int select_p_job_init(List job_list);

Description: Used at slurmctld daemon startup to synchronize plugin (and node) state with that of currently active jobs.

Arguments: job_list    (input) list of slurm jobs from slurmctld job records.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_reconfigure (void);

Description: Used to notify plugin of change in partition configuration or general configuration change. The plugin will test global variables for changes as appropriate.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

Node-Specific Functions

select_nodeinfo_t *select_p_select_nodeinfo_alloc(void);

Description: Allocate a buffer for select plugin specific information about a node. Use select_p_select_nodeinfo_free() to free the returned data structure.

Returns: A buffer for select plugin specific information about a node or NULL on failure. Use select_p_select_nodeinfo_free() to free this data structure.

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_pack(select_nodeinfo_t *nodeinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version);

Description: Pack select plugin specific information about a node into a buffer for node queries.

nodeinfo    (input) Node information to be packed.
buffer    (input/output) pointer to buffer into which the node information is packed.
protocol_version    (input) Version number of the data packing mechanism (needed for backward compatibility).

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_unpack(select_nodeinfo_t **nodeinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version);

Description: Unpack select plugin specific information about a node from a buffer for node queries. Use select_p_select_nodeinfo_free() to free the returned data structure.

nodeinfo    (output) Node information unpacked from the buffer. Use select_p_select_nodeinfo_free() to free the returned data structure.
buffer    (input/output) pointer to buffer from which the node information is to be unpacked.
protocol_version    (input) Version number of the data packing mechanism (needed for backward compatibility).

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_free(select_nodeinfo_t *nodeinfo);

Description: Free a buffer which was previously allocated for select plugin specific information about a node.

Argument: nodeinfo    (input/output) The buffer to be freed.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_set(job_record_t *job_ptr);

Description: Reset select plugin specific information about a job. Called by slurmctld daemon after that job's state has been restored (at startup) or job has been scheduled.

Argument: job_ptr    (input) Pointer to the updated job.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_set_all(void);

Description: Update select plugin specific information about every node as needed.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_nodeinfo_get(select_nodeinfo_t *nodeinfo, enum select_nodedata_type dinfo, enum node_states state, void *data);

Description: Get information from a select plugin's node specific data structure.

nodeinfo    (input) Node information data structure from which information is to get retrieved.
dinfo    (input) Data type to be retrieved.
state    (input) Node state filter to be applied (e.g. only get information about ALLOCATED nodes).
data    (output) The retrieved data.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_update_node_config (int index);

Description: note that a node has registered with a different configuration than previously registered. For example, the node was configured with 1GB of memory in slurm.conf, but actually registered with 2GB of memory.

index   (input) zero origin index of the node in reference to the entire system.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

bool select_p_node_ranking(node_record_t *node_ptr, int node_cnt)

Description: This function is called by the slurmctld daemon at start time to set node rank information for recording the nodes to optimize application performance.

node_ptr   (input/output) pointer to the node data structure. Each node's node rank field may be set.
node_cnt   (input) number of nodes configured on the system.

Returns: true if node rank information has been set.

int select_p_update_node_state(node_record_t *node_ptr);

Description: push a node state change into the plugin. The index should be the index from the slurmctld of the entire system.

node_ptr   (input/output) pointer to the node data structure. Each node's node rank field may be set.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise SLURM_ERROR

Job-Specific Functions

select_jobinfo_t *select_p_select_jobinfo_alloc(void);

Description: Allocate a buffer for select plugin specific information about a job. Use select_p_select_jobinfo_free() to free the allocated memory.

Returns: Pointer to a select plugin buffer for a job or NULL on failure. Use select_p_select_jobinfo_free() to free the allocated memory.

select_jobinfo_t *select_p_select_jobinfo_copy(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo);

Description: Copy the buffer containing select plugin specific information about a job. Use select_p_select_jobinfo_free() to free the allocated memory.

Arguments: jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job.

Returns: A copy of jobinfo or NULL on failure. Use select_p_select_jobinfo_free() to free the allocated memory.

int select_p_select_jobinfo_free(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo);

Description: Free the buffer containing select plugin specific information about a job.

Arguments: jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_jobinfo_pack(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version);

Description: Pack into a buffer the contents of the select plugin specific information about a job.

jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job.
buffer    (input/output) pointer to buffer into which the job information is packed.
protocol_version    (input) Version number of the data packing mechanism (needed for backward compatibility).

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_jobinfo_unpack(select_jobinfo_t **jobinfo_pptr, Buf buffer, uint16_t protocol_version);

Description: Unpack from a buffer the contents of the select plugin specific information about a job. The returned value must be freed using select_p_select_jobinfo_free().

jobinfo    (output) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job. The returned value must be freed using select_p_select_jobinfo_free().
buffer    (input/output) pointer to buffer from which the job information is unpacked.
protocol_version    (input) Version number of the data packing mechanism (needed for backward compatibility).

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_jobinfo_get(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo, enum select_jobdata_type data_type, void *data);

Description: Get the contents of a field from the select plugin specific information about a job.

jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job to be read.
data_type    (input) identification of the field to be retrieved.
data    (output) data read from the job record.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_select_jobinfo_set(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo, enum select_jobdata_type data_type, void *data);

Description: Set a field in the select plugin specific information about a job.

jobinfo    (input/output) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job to be modified.
data_type    (input) identification of the field to be set.
data    (input) data to be written into the job record.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

char *select_p_select_jobinfo_sprint(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo, char *buf, size_t size, int mode);

Description: Print the contents of the select plugin specific information about a job.

jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job.
buf    (input/output) buffer into which the contents are written.
size    (input) size of buf in bytes.
mode    (input) print mode, see enum select_print_mode.

Returns: Pointer to the buf on success or NULL on failure.

char *select_p_select_jobinfo_xstrdup(select_jobinfo_t *jobinfo, int mode);

Description: Print the contents of the select plugin specific information about a job. The return value must be released using the xfree() function.

jobinfo    (input) pointer to the select plugin specific information about a job.
mode    (input) print mode, see enum select_print_mode.

Returns: Pointer to a string on success or NULL on failure. Call xfree() to release the memory allocated for the return value.

int select_p_job_test(job_record_t *job_ptr, bitstr_t *bitmap, uint32_t min_nodes, uint32_t max_nodes, uint32_t req_nodes, uint32_t mode, List preemption_candidates, List *preempted_jobs, bitstr_t *exc_core_bitmap);

Description: Given a job's scheduling requirement specification and a set of nodes which might be used to satisfy the request, identify the nodes which "best" satisfy the request. Note that nodes being considered for allocation to the job may include nodes already allocated to other jobs, even if node sharing is not permitted. This is done to ascertain whether or not job may be allocated resources at some later time (when the other jobs complete). This permits Slurm to reject non-runnable jobs at submit time rather than after they have spent hours queued. Informing users of problems at job submission time permits them to quickly resubmit the job with appropriate constraints.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being considered for scheduling. Data in this job record may safely be read. Data of particular interest include details->contiguous (set if allocated nodes should be contiguous), num_procs (minimum processors in allocation) and details->req_node_bitmap (specific required nodes).
bitmap    (input/output) bits representing nodes which might be allocated to the job are set on input. This function should clear the bits representing nodes not required to satisfy job's scheduling request. Bits left set will represent nodes to be used for this job. Note that the job's required nodes (details->req_node_bitmap) will be a superset bitmap when the function is called.
min_nodes    (input) minimum number of nodes to allocate to this job. Note this reflects both job and partition specifications.
max_nodes    (input) maximum number of nodes to allocate to this job. Note this reflects both job and partition specifications.
req_nodes    (input) the requested (desired) of nodes to allocate to this job. This reflects job's maximum node specification (if supplied).
mode    (input) controls the mode of operation. Valid options are:
* SELECT_MODE_RUN_NOW: try to schedule job now
* SELECT_MODE_TEST_ONLY: test if job can ever run
* SELECT_MODE_WILL_RUN: determine when and where job can run
preemption_candidates    (input) list of pointers to jobs which may be preempted in order to initiate this pending job. May be NULL if there are no preemption candidates.
preempted_jobs    (input/output) list of jobs which must be preempted in order to initiate the pending job. If the value is NULL, no job list is returned. If the list pointed to has a value of NULL, a new list will be created otherwise the existing list will be overwritten. Use the list_destroy function to destroy the list when no longer needed.
exc_core_bitmap    (input) bitmap of cores held for advanced reservations.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR .

int select_p_job_begin(job_record_t *job_ptr);

Description: Note the initiation of the specified job is about to begin. This function is called immediately after select_p_job_test() successfully completes for this job.

Arguments: job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being initialized. Data in this job record may safely be read or written. The nodes and node_bitmap fields of this job record identify the nodes which have already been selected for this job to use.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR, which causes the job to be requeued for later execution.

int select_p_job_ready(job_record_t *job_ptr);

Description: Test if resources are configured and ready for job execution.

Arguments: job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being initialized. Data in this job record may safely be read. The nodes and node_bitmap fields of this job record identify the nodes which have already been selected for this job to use.

Returns: 1 if the job may begin execution, 0 otherwise.

int select_p_job_fini(job_record_t *job_ptr);

Description: Note the termination of the specified job. This function is called as the termination process for the job begins (prior to killing the tasks).

Arguments: job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being terminated. Data in this job record may safely be read or written. The nodes and/or node_bitmap fields of this job record identify the nodes which were selected for this job to use.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

int select_p_job_signal(job_record_t *job_ptr, int signal);

Description: Signal the specified job. This is needed for architectures where the job steps are launched by a mechanism outside of Slurm, for example when ALPS is used on Cray systems.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job to be signaled.
signal    (input) signal to be sent to the job.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

int select_p_job_mem_confirm(job_record_t *job_ptr);

Description: Confirm that a job's memory allocation is still valid after a node is restarted. This is an issue if the job is allocated all of the memory on a node and that node is restarted with a different memory size than at the time it is allocated to the job. This would mostly be an issue on an Intel KNL node where the memory size would vary with the MCDRAM cache mode.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job to be validated.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

int select_p_job_suspend(job_record_t *job_ptr, bool indf_susp);

Description: Suspend the specified job. Release resources for use by other jobs.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being suspended. Data in this job record may safely be read or written. The nodes and/or node_bitmap fields of this job record identify the nodes which were selected for this job to use.
indf_susp    (input) flag which if set indicates the job is being suspended indefinitely by the user or administrator. If not set, the job is being suspended temporarily for gang scheduling.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

int select_p_job_resume(job_record_t *job_ptr, bool indf_susp);

Description: Resume the specified job which was previously suspended.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being resumed. Data in this job record may safely be read or written. The nodes and/or node_bitmap fields of this job record identify the nodes which were selected for this job to use.
indf_susp    (input) flag which if set indicates the job is being resumed after being suspended indefinitely by the user or administrator. If not set, the job is being resumed after being temporarily suspended for gang scheduling.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

int select_p_job_expand_allow (void);

Description: Report the ability of this select plugin to expand jobs.

Returns: True if job expansion is supported, otherwise false.

int select_p_job_expand(job_record_t *from_job_ptr, job_record_t *to_job_ptr);

Description: Transfer all resources currently allocated to one job to another job. One job is left with no allocated resources and the other job is left with the resources previously allocated to both jobs.

from_job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being to have all of its resources removed.
to_job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job getting all of the resources previously either job.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

int select_p_job_resized(job_record_t *job_ptr, node_record_t *node_ptr);

Description: Remove the specified node from the job's allocation.

job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job being decreased in size.
node_ptr    (input) pointer to the node being removed from a job's allocation.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return a Slurm error code.

Step-Specific Functions

bitstr_t *select_p_step_pick_nodes(job_record_t *job_ptr, select_jobinfo_t *step_jobinfo, uint32_t node_count)

Description: If the select plugin needs to select nodes for a job step, then do so here.
NOTE: The logic within the slurmctld daemon directly selects resources for a job step for all other select plugins at present.

job_ptr    (input) Pointer to the job which is attempting to allocate a job step.
step_jobinfo    (input/output) On input, this is a pointer to an empty buffer. On output for a successful job step allocation, this structure is filled in with detailed information about the job step allocation.
node_count    (input) Number of nodes required by the new job step.

Returns: If successful, then return a bitmap of the nodes allocated to the job step, otherwise return NULL and the logic within the slurmctld daemon will select the nodes to be allocated to the job step.

int select_p_step_finish(step_record_t *step_ptr, bool killing_step)

Description: Note that a job step is completing execution

step_ptr    (input) Pointer to the step which has completed execution.
killing_step    (input) True if we are beginning the termination of the step (for example, when SIGKILL is being sent); False if the termination of the step has completed (all processes have exited).

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

Advanced Reservation Functions

bitstr_t * select_p_resv_test(resv_desc_msg_t *resv_desc_ptr, uint32_t node_cnt, bitstr_t *avail_bitmap, bitstr_t **core_bitmap)

Description: Identify the nodes which best satisfy a reservation request taking system topology into consideration if applicable.

resv_desc_ptr    (input/output) the request of the reservation. The node_list could be changed inside of the plugin.
node_cnt    (input) number of nodes required to satisfy the reservation request.
avail_bitmap    (input/output) a bitmap of the nodes which are available for use in creating the reservation.
core_bitmap    (input/output) cores which can not be used for this reservation IN, and cores to be used in the reservation OUT (flush bitstr then apply only used cores).

Returns: A bitmap of the nodes which should be used for the advanced reservation or NULL if the selected nodes can not be used for an advanced reservation.

Get Information Functions

int select_p_get_info_from_plugin(enum select_plugindata_info dinfo, job_record_t *job_ptr, void *data);

Description: Get plugin-specific information about a job.

info    (input) identifies the type of data to be updated.
job_ptr    (input) pointer to the job related to the query (if applicable; may be NULL).
data    (output) the requested data.

Returns: SLURM_SUCCESS if successful. On failure, the plugin should return SLURM_ERROR.

Block Allocator interface

void select_p_ba_init(node_info_msg_t *node_info_ptr, bool sanity_check);

Description: Setup the cluster dims returned by select_p_ba_get_dims().

node_info_ptr    (input) Information about the nodes on a system.
sanity_check    (input) if set then validate that the node name suffix values represent coordinates which are within the system's dimension size (see function select_p_ba_get_dims).

int *select_p_ba_get_dims(void);

Description: Return an array containing the number of elements in each dimension of the system size. Only used by Cray ALPS at present.

Returns: An array containing the number of elements in each dimension of the system size.

Last modified 23 October 2019